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Mobile Apps: Micromedex App

Micromedex - Access Three Apps.



Under Northern Health's license, staff and physicians have access to 3 micromedex apps. 


1. IBM Micromedex Drug Ref.

  • Micromedex Drug Reference contains 45000+ searchable terms including: Adult & pediatric dosage, Adverse effects, Drug interactions and more.   


  2. IBM Micromedex Drug Int. 

  • Micromedex Drug Interactions gives the ability to check a patient's entire medication list and provides a review of potentially harmful interactions with severity ratings. 


3. IBM Micromedex IV Comp. 

  • Micromedex IV Compatibility alerts the user to potentially dangerous combinations of IV medications.


Register for Micromedex Apps

The instructions and passwords to download the three IBM Micromedex apps to your phone or tablet can be found on the Micromedex homepage. The homepage is accessible when using a computer linked to the Northern Health network or when using VPN.

Hints for navigating the Micromedex  homepage are below. 

1. Go to the Micromedex main page and click the login button


2. Select "Download Mobile Apps"

3. Choose : Micromedex Native Mobile Apps (Offline access, included with content subscription)

Northern Health has access to three apps with its subscription. The passwords for these are located under the "Micromedex Native Mobile Apps" option. (Step 4).

4. Maintaining Access

The access codes change annually. 

If your App is no longer letting you in, please go through the above steps again to get the updated codes. 


IBM Micromedex is provided by NH Pharmacy Services. Micromedex and other resources in Northern Health Library are licensed for use by NH clinicians, physicians and staff.